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Vessels Built by British Columbia Boat/Ship Builders
- Vessels Built by A. Linton & Co.
- Vessels Built by A.B.D. Enterprises Ltd.
- Vessels Built by A.C. Benson Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Advance Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Advanced Mobile Welding Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Alberni Engineering & Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Albert C. Benson
- Vessels Built by Albion Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Alfab Marine Products Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Allied Shipbuilders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Alton Boat Works (Ernest E. Alton)
- Vessels Built by Alu–Craft Products Ltd.
- Vessels Built by A.M. Welding Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Amor Marine (Frederick John Amor)
- Vessels Built by Argo Marine Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Arimoto Shipyard
- Vessels Built by Armstrong Alloys & Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Armstrong Brothers Shipyards
- Vessels Built by Arrow Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Art Pilling Craft Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Asari Boat Works
- Vessels Built by George F. Askew Boatyard
- Vessels Built by Associated Welding & Fabricators Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Atagi Boat Works
- Vessels Built by A.W. LePage Gasoline Engine Supply Co.
- Vessels Built by the Baba Family
- Vessels Built by the Barron Family
- Vessels Built by B.C. Dock Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by B.C. Fibreglass Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by B.C. Glass Hulls Ltd.
- Vessels Built by B.C. Iron Works
- Vessels Built by B.C. Marine Engineers & Shipbuilders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by B.C. Marine Railway Co.
- Vessels Built by B.C. Marine Shipbuilders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by B.C. Yacht & Boat Builders Co.
- Vessels Built by Beau Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Beach Avenue Shipyard (Arthur Moscrop)
- Vessels Built by Beaver Glass Hulls Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Bellevance Welding Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Bel–Aire Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Benson Brothers Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Benson Brothers Shipbuilding Co.(1960) Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Bent Jesperson Boat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Douglas Berryman
- Vessels Built by Bidwell Ship Yard
- Vessels Built by Henry Bird
- Vessels Built by James Bissett & A. Gilstein
- Vessels Built by Boeing Aircraft (Canada) Ltd.
- Vessels Built by British Columbia Forest Service Maintenance Depot
- Vessels Built by British Columbia Packers Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Roy Brown
- Vessels Built by Burrard Drydock Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Burrard Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Burrard–Yarrows Corp.
- Vessels Built by Cal–Glass Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Calgan Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Cameron–Genoa Mills Shipbuilders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Camfew Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Canada Department of Public Works
- Vessels Built by Canadian Fibreform Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Canoe Cove Manufacturing Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Canoe Cove Marina Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Canoe Cove Boat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Canoe Cove Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Cape Lazo Boat Yards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by the Cassiar Packing Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by George Cates
- Vessels Built by Ce Fer Designs ltd.
- Vessels Built by Celtic Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Centre Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Certified Welding & Machining
- Vessels Built by Chappell Bros. Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Chine Boat Yard
- Vessels Built by the Cholberg Family
- Vessels Built by Chris–Craft of Canada Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Clark Brothers Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Clyde Shipbuilding & Drydock Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Coal Harbour Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Coastal Craft Aluminum Welded Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Coates Watercraft Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Commander Boat Mfg. Inc.
- Vessels Built by Comox Logging Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Cooper Enterprises Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Cooper Yachts Ltd.
- Vessels Built by C.S. Yachts Ltd.
- Vessels Built by J. Coughlin & Sons Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Cow Bay Boat Works (Crawley Didricksen)
- Vessels Built by Crane Family Shipyard
- Vessels Built by Dafoe Shipbuilders
- Vessels Built by Daigle Welding & Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Dawe Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Dean Garren Ltd.
- Vessels Built by DeKleer Bros. Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Deltaga Boatworks Ltd.
- Vessels Built by D.M. Garren Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Dominion Bridge Ltd. in BC
- Vessels Built by Dominion Construction Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Doric Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Double Eagle Boat Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Enno’s Custom Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Eriksen Boat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Eriksen Brothers
- Vessels Built by Esquimalt Marine Railway Co.
- Vessels Built by Fairfield Fabricators Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Falconer Marine Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built and Designed by Barrie Farrell
- Vessels Built by Fauchon Engineering Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by F.C. Yachts Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Fehr & Sons Sail Craft Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Fenner & Hood Shipyards
- Vessels Built by O.C. Ferguson Ltd.
- Vessels Built by John A. Ferneyhough
- Vessels Built by Ferrier & Lucas
- Vessels Built by F. & F. Equipment Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Fibo Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Folkes Manufacturing Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Bertram Foster
- Vessels Built by Foundation Co.
- Vessels Built by Four Season Houseboat Builders
- Vessels Built by Francis Millerd & Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Fraser Marine Shipyards ltd.
- Vessels Built by Fraser River Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Frostad Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Galbraith & Sulley Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Garden Bay Marine Services Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Garren Blakely
- Vessels Built by General Boat Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by GenStar Shipyard (Mercers) Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Gilford Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Gilmour Boats
- Vessels Built by Gilpin Construction Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Gooldrup Boat Builders
- Vessels Built by Grenfell Yachts Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Maurice Gronlund
- Vessels Built by John Group
- Vessels Built by Buford Haines
- Vessels Built by Harbour Boat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Harbour Boatyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Harbour Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Harbour Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Harbour Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Harris Built Products Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Hi–Line Aluminum Welding Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Hilmarine Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Hinterhoeller Yachts Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Hinton Electric Co.
- Vessels Built by Hirano Boat Works
- Vessels Built by H.M.C. Dockyard (Esquimalt)
- Vessels Built by Hoffar–Beeching Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Hoffar Brothers
- Vessels Built by Henry S. Hoffar
- Vessels Built by James F. Hoffar
- Vessels Built by The Hoffar Motor Boat Co.
- Vessels Built by G.H. Hopkins
- Vessels Built by Horizon Boats & Rigging Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Hourston Glascraft Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Hunter Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by I.C.L. Engineering Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Independent Shipwrights Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Inland Marine Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by International Flotation Systems Inc.
- Vessels Built by International Hydrodynamics Co. Ltd. (HYCO)
- Vessels Built by International Submarine Engineering Ltd.
- Vessels Built by John Iverson
- Vessels Built by Lauri M. Jarvis
- Vessels Built by J. & M. Carlson Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Jenkins Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by John Dunn & Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by John Manly Ltd.
- Vessels Built by K. & C. Thermoglass Ltd.
- Vessels Built by K. Frostad Boat Building Ltd.
- Vessels Built by K.M. Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Kamachi Family Boat Builders
- Vessels Built by Kamma & Blake Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Kanata Marine Ways Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Kawano Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Kellahan Marine Ventures Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Kenwood Investments Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Kishi Family Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Kobayakawa Family Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Joseph L. Lister
- Vessels Built by Lynnwood Boats Ltd
- Vessels Built by MacDonald Marpole Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Mac & Mac Mfg. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by S. Madill Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Mareno Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Donald S. Martin
- Vessels Built by Martin Marine Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Maritime Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Matsumoto Boat Works
- Vessels Built by members of the Matsumoto Family
- Vessels Built by Matsumoto Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Matsumoto & Sons Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Mayer Steel Boat Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Mayhew & Strutt Ltd.
- Vessels Built by M.B. Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by McEachern & Shore Boatbuilders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by McKay–Cormack Ltd.
- Vessels Built by McKeen & Wilson Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Stanley S. McKeen
- Vessels Built by McKenzie Barge & Derrick Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by McKenzie Barge & Marine Ways Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by N.M. McLean Shipyard, Prince Rupert BC
- Vessels Built by M.C. Marine Fibreglass Ltd.
- Vessels Built by William R. Menchions Boat Yard
- Vessels Built by Arthur Moscrop (Beach Avenue Shipyard)
- Vessels Built by Arthur Moscrop
- Vessels Built by M.Y. Marine Specialties Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Nanaimo Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Tanaka and Nakade Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Newcastle Ship Building Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by New Method Welders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by John H. Nicholson
- Vessels Built by Nor–Del Custom Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by North Arm Boat Works
- Vessels Built by North Vancouver Ship Repairs Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Northwest Plastics & Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Northwest Propeller & Repair Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Ohman Boat Works & Marina Ltd.
- Vessels Built by O’Kabe Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Okanagan Houseboat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Osborne Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Pacific Bowpickers Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Palmer Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Ron Pearson Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Pelagic Pacific Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Permaglass Plastic Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Philbrook’s Shipyards Ltd. and the Philbrook Family
- Vessels Built by the Port Hammond Boat Yard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Prince Rupert Boatyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Prince Rupert Dry Dock Co.
- Vessels Built by Progressive Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Queensboro Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Queenship Yacht Works Inc.
- Vessels Built by R.S.L. Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Radler Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Raider Aluminum Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Rayner Boats
- Vessels Built by Remmem Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Charles D. Reynolds Boat Yard
- Vessels Built by River Towing Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Rivtow Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Rivtow Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Rivtow Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Rivtow Straits Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Rivtow Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Rodd Brothers
- Vessels Built by Rogers & Sinclair Industrial Marine Inc.
- Vessels Built by Ronald E. Pearson Boatyard
- Vessels Built by Sakamoto Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Samson Marine Design Enterprises Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Sangster Marine Ltd. & Sangstercraft Boat Works Ltd
- Vessels Built by Sather Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Saturna Yachts Inc.
- Vessels Built by Sceptre Yachts Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Seamaster Builders & Repairs Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Shearwater Marine
- Vessels Built by Shimizu Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Shore Boat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Sikanni Oilfield Construction Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Silva Bay Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Spencer Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Stanley Park Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Stapleton Fabricators Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Star Shipyards (Mercers) Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Sterling Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Stewart’s Welding & Mobile Repairs Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Stokkeland Family Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Stoltz Boat and Glass Craft Ltd.
- Vessels Built by William J. Stevens
- Vessels Built by Streeper Bros. Marine Transport Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Suehiro Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Suga Family Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Summer Equipment Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Sunset Coast Fabricators Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Sunset Shipyard
- Vessels Built by Surrey Iron Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Suzuki Brothers Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Erling Sylte and the Sylte Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Tana Boat Enterprises Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Mario Tarabochia Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Tasaka Family
- Vessels Built by John T. Taylor
- Vessels Built by Thames Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Thompson Bros. Aluminum Welding Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Thompson Machine Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Tom–Mac Shipyard
- Vessels Built by Three Buoys Houseboat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Tradewind Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Trahey Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Tristar Marine Service Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Truant Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Tsumura Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Turner Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Turpel Marine Railway Co.
- Vessels Built by Twin Anchors Marine (1971) Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Ultalux Plastic Industries Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Union Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Uyeda Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Valley Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Vancouver Dredging & Salvage Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Vancouver Mill Machinery (1968) Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Vancouver Pile Driving
- Vessels Built by Vancouver Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Vestad Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Victoria Machinery Depot Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Victoria Motor Boat & Repair Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Victoria Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Vina Boat Building and Repairs
- Vessels Built by Vito Steel Boat & Barge Construction Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Vollmers Family
- Vessels Built by Voyageur Aluminum Products Ltd.
- Vessels Built by members of the Wahl Family
- Vessels Built by Walkem’s Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Brian Walker Boat Works
- Vessels Built by S.R. Wallace Boat Builders
- Vessels Built by Wallace Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Western Canada Shipbuilding Co.
- Vessels Built by Captain George B. Ward
- Vessels Built by Waterline Yachts Inc.
- Vessels Built by Waterway Houseboat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Alex Watson (Sr. & Jr.)
- Vessels Built by W.B. Boatbuilding Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Wendon Manufacturing Ltd
- Vessels Built by West Bay Boat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by West Bay Sonship Yachts Ltd.
- Vessels Built by West Coast Salvage & Contracting Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by West Coast Ship Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Westcoast Custom Yachts Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Western Bridge & Steel Fabricators Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Western Canada Shipbuilding Co.
- Vessels Built by Western Craft Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Western Houseboat Builders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Westminster Marine Railway Co.
- Vessels Built by Wicks Family
- Vessels Built by Windward Marine Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Hilmar T. Wingen
- Vessels Built by Withey’s Shipyards Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Reginald M. Wittman
- Vessels Built by Wm. Lyall Shipbuilding Co.
- Vessels Built by Woodbridge Fibreglass Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Woodruff & Simmonds Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Wright Shipyards
- Vessels Built by Yamanaka Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Yarrows Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Tometara Yoneda
- Vessels Built by Zenith Steel Fabricators Ltd.
Vessels Built by Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon Territory & Northwest Territory Boat/Ship Builders
- Vessels Built by Alberta Equipment Centre Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Alem Construction Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Cooper Boats Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Cummings Welding Shop
- Vessels Built by Dominion Bridge Ltd.
- Vessels Built by George F. Askew
- Vessels Built by Houseboat Holidays International
- Vessels Built by Hudson’s Bay Company
- Vessels Built by Lake Winnipegosis Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Lakeside Boat Works
- Vessels Built by Listers’ Oilfield Services
- Vessels Built by Manitoba Bridge & Engineering Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by McInnes Products Corp.
- Vessels Built by Nodwell Brothers Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Northern Arc Shipbuilders Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Northern Boat Building Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Northwest Jet Drives Ltd.
- Vessels Built by North Western Dredging Co. Ltd.
- Vessels Built by North Western Mechanical Installations Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Purvis Brothers Boats and W.G. Purvis and Purvis Navcon Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Thomas J. Rimmer
- Vessels Built by Riverton Boat Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Riverton Welding & Fabricators Inc.
- Vessels Built by Scott Steel Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Selkirk Machine Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Standard Iron Works Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Vulcan Iron & Engineering Ltd.
- Vessels Built by Yacht Line Industries Ltd.
Canadian–Owned Vessels Built by U.S. and Foreign Boat/Ship Builders
- Vessels Built by the Bayliner Marine Corp.
- Vessels Built by the Beneteau group of companies.
- Vessels Built by the Carver Boat Corporation
- Vessels Built by the Catalina Yachts Inc.
- Vessels Built by the Cheoy Lee Shipyard Ltd.
- Vessels Built by the Chris–Craft Corporation
- Vessels Built by the Hatteras Yacht Co.
- Vessels Built by the Hunter Marine Corp.
- Vessels Built by Chantiers Jeanneau Ltd.
- Vessels built by the Tolly Craft Yachts Corp.
- Vessels Built by the Uniflite Inc.
Note to Reader: These lists are all works–in–progress. They are incomplete. If you have information that would assist in making them more complete please contact us at admin(at) and send us the details. We will update the lists and acknowledge your assistance.

Site News: February 12, 2025
The vessel database has been updated and is now holding 95,146 vessel histories (with 16,409 images and 14,064 records of ship wrecks and marine disasters).
The mariner and naval biography database has also been updated and now contains 58,599 entries (with 4000 images).
My thanks to Ray Warren who is beginning a long process of filling gaps in the photo record of the vessel histories in the vessel database. Ray has been documenting the ships of Vancouver Harbour for more than 60 years.
Thanks to contributor Mike Rydqvist McCammon for the hundreds of photos he continues to contribute to illustrate British Columbia’s floating heritage.
My very special thanks to our volunteer IT adviser, John Eyre, who (since 2021) has modernized, simplified and improved the update process for the databases into semi–automated processes. His participation has been vital to keeping the Nauticapedia available to our netizens.
Thanks to John Spivey who is beginning his 4th year of fact checking all of the entries in the vessel database.