First World War Coastal Defences at Seymour Narrows

by John MacFarlane 2017

Seymour Narrows  Guns

Removing Coast Defence Guns From Seymour Narrows (Photo courtesy of the MMBC.)

At the commencement of the First World War it was realized that the naval forces on the Pacific coast of Canada were limited and insufficient. It was perceived that an enemy cruiser might enter the Strait of Georgia by the northern route and obtain access to coal at Nanaimo BC or at Vancouver BC. The Juan de Fuca Strait was protected by the guns at Fort Rodd Hill.

Sixteen sea mines were loaded from HMS Newcastle on CGS Newington (which had been equipped with mine laying gear). The intent was that if needed the mines would be laid just west of Malcolm Island so as to block the main channel leading to Johnstone Strait. The eastern entrance to Johnstone Strait was patrolled by three motor launches carrying 14–inch torpedoes.

Seymour Narrows  Guns

Guns From HMCS Shearwater Protecting Seymour Narrows From Possible Enemy Attack. (Photo courtesy of the MMBC.)

To prevent the arrival of an enemy raider two 4–inch guns from HMCS Shearwater were mounted on the mainland side of Seymour Narrows a short distance north of Ripple Rock. These guns were manned by members of the RNCVR. After the destruction of Admiral von Spee’s squadron at the Falkland Islands on December 8th the guns were removed and returned to HM Dockyard Esquimalt BC. The mines were never laid.

Seymour Narrows  Guns

RNCVR Personnel Removing Guns From Seymour Narrows (Photo courtesy of the MMBC.)

To quote from this article please cite:

MacFarlane, John M. (2017) First World War Coastal Defences at Seymour Narrows. 2017.


Site News: August 18, 2024

The vessel database has been updated and is now holding 93,618 vessel histories (with 15,919 images and 13,842 records of ship wrecks and marine disasters). The mariner and naval biography database has also been updated and now contains 58,620 entries (with 4,020 images).

In 2023 the Nauticapedia celebrated the 50th Anniversary of it’s original inception in 1973 (initially it was on 3" x 5" file cards). It has developed, expanded, digitized and enlarged in those ensuing years to what it is now online. If it was printed out it would fill more than 300,000 pages!

My special thanks to our volunteer IT adviser, John Eyre, who (since 2021) has modernized, simplified and improved the update process for the databases into semi–automated processes. His participation has been vital to keeping the Nauticapedia available to our netizens.

Also my special thanks to my volunteer content accuracy checker, John Spivey of Irvine CA USA, who has proofread thousands of Nauticapedia vessel histories and provided input to improve more than 11,000 entries. His attention to detail has been a huge unexpected bonus in improving and updating the vessel detail content.

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