The Memorial to Rear–Admiral Walter Hose RCN

by John M. MacFarlane 2017

Plaque Monument

Walter Hose (Photo from the John MacFarlane collection. )

There is a seldom seen memorial to Admiral Walter Hose in the historic St. Paul’s Naval and Garrison Church in Esquimalt BC.

Walter Hose

Walter Hose (Photo from the collection. )

Walter Hose was born at sea on board the P&O Steamer Surat in the Indian Ocean off Ceylon on October 2, 1875. (He was the son of a Bishop of Singapore. He was present in HMS Centurion at the capture by Japan of Wei-hai-wei in China 1894. He was present in HMS Dragon in April 1897 at Crete during the Turko–Greek War. Received the China Medal for actions in the Yangtse 1900-1901 during the Boxer Rebellion. In HMS Charybdis he set up and trained a Royal Naval Reserve in Newfoundland. In Venezuela, in 1904, he participated in the enforcing of payment of debts to Britain and to release a British crew being held hostage. He interdicted Afghan gun runners in the Persian Gulf while commanding H.M.S. Redbreast in 1906, surveying pearl beds in the Persian Gulf and received thanks of the Indian Government. He was authorized for the formation of the Royal Canadian Naval Reserve and Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve in 1923. He successfully resisted the politically planned virtual disbanding of the Canadian Navy in 1933.

He was appointed as a Naval Cadet RN (With seniority dated 15/01/1890). He served in H.M.S. Britannia for officer training. He served in H.M.S. Hyacinth. He served in H.M.S. Imperieuse 1891 (1st Class Armoured Cruiser and Flagship of Vice–Admiral Sir F. W. Richards KCB on China Station). He was appointed as a Midshipman RN on 15/03/1892). He served in H.M.S. Centurion (Battleship) 01/03/1892. He served in H.M.S. Calypso in 1895 (3rd Class Cruiser in the Sail Training Squadron). He was appointed as a Sub–Lieutenant RN (With seniority dated 15/09/1895). He served in courses at Greenwich and Portsmouth. He served in HM Torpedo Boat 44 (In command) 01/08/1896 for naval manoeuvres. He served in H.M.S. Skate in 1896 (Torpedo Boat Destroyer). He served in H.M.S. Polyphemus (Armoured Torpedo Ram on the Mediterranean Station) 1897. He served in H.M.S. Dragon in 1897 (Torpedo Boat Destroyer and tender to H.M.S. Barfleur in the Mediterranean). He was appointed as a Lieutenant RN (With seniority dated 31/12/1897). He served in H.M.S. Venture in 1898 (2nd Class Cruiser on th China Station).

He served in H.M.S. Tweed (River Gunboat in China) (In command) 1899. He served in H.M.S. Jupiter in 1901 (Battleship in the Channel Squadron). He served in H.M.S. Charybdis as Lieutenant in Charge of Training Newfoundland Fishermen and as First Lieutenant (Second Class Cruiser on North American and West Indies Station) in 1901. He served in H.M.S. Ringdove (Gunboat on Newfoundland station) (In command) in 1905. He served in H.M.S. Kale (Destroyer) (In command) in 1905. He served in H.M.S. Redbreast (In command) (Gunboat on East Indies Station) in 1906. He served in H.M.S. Jason (In command) (Torpedo Gunboat in Home Fleet) 1908.

He attended the War Staff Course in 1908 and the Combined Naval and Military Operations Staff Course at Camberly. He was appointed as a Commander RN (With seniority dated 31/12/1908). He served in H.M.S. Cochrane (In command) 1908. He served in HMCS Rainbow (In command) and for charge of Esquimalt Dockyard 1911, (He was loaned to RCN from the RN in 1911). (He retired from the RN on 01/02/1912). He was appointed as an A/Captain RCN (With seniority dated 01/01/1916). He was appointed as a Captain RCN (With seniority dated 19/03/1918). In 1917 he served in HMCS Stadacona as Additional as Captain of Patrols. He served as Captain of Patrols and in HMCS Seagull (In command) in 1918. He served as Senior Naval Officer Halifax. He served in HMCS Niobe for duty at Naval Sservice HQ for demobilizing Patrol Services 1918. He served in NHQ as Naval Assistant to the Minister (Hon. C.C. Ballantyne), and Acting Director of Naval Service 1920. He served in NHQ as Director of the Naval Service in 1921. He was appointed as a Commodore (1st Class) RCN (With seniority dated 14/08/1923). He served as Naval Advisor to Prime Minister Mackenzie King at the Imperial Conference London 1924. He served in Naval Service HQ as Chief of Naval Staff 1928-1934. He was appointed as a Rear–Admiral RCN (With seniority dated 30/06/1934). (He was promoted from the Captains List). (He was retired on 30/06/1934.)

Walter Hose

Walter Hose (Photo from the collection. )

Hose Point (BC) is named for this Admiral.

To quote from this article please cite:

MacFarlane, John M. (2017) The Memorial to Rear–Admiral Walter Hose RCN. 2017.


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