The Logging A–Frame

by John MacFarlane 2012


An A–frame (now dismantled) loacted on the east coast of Vancouver Island. (Photograph from the John MacFarlane collection.)

The logging A–Frame was a structure in general use from 1920 to about 1970. Unlike land–based systems, which yarded logs into a central landing and transported them to water by road, rail, chute or cable, A–frame loggers used a yarder floating on the water to pull logs down to it. The A-frame yarder was usually mounted on a large raft of floating logs and the lines were threaded through blocks hung at the apex of two log spars hung in an "A" configuration. In some installations the A–frame was mounted on an abutment right next to the water.

The impact of dropping the logs into the water was an issue at A–frame operations, as it resulted in increased bark loss and damage to the shoreline in shallow receiving waters. The lost bark accumulated on the bottom and resulted in the physical smothering of marine organisms and habitats. Water quality was degraded through the decomposition of accumulated woody debris, causing reduced dissolved oxygen levels and the formation of toxins such as hydrogen sulfide. Repeated impacts associated with dropping logs in shallow waters, resulted in physical damage to shoreline sediments, marine organisms and habitats.

When the train arrived in the mill area, there was usually a mill pond to hold the logs. To get the logs into the pond a log dump consisting of a small trestle and some type of yarding device to unload the logs. The most popular and easiest to use was the A–frame and donkey unloader. The donkey engine controlled a cable which was routed up to the top of the A–frame and then down to the log dump trestle. When a log car was positioned next to the A–frame, the cable was sent under the logs and connected to the lower portion of the log dump on the pond side. The cable was then pulled taut by the donkey engine and the logs were forced off the cars into the pond. Most log dumps had a ramp or fence to assist the logs into the pond and prevent kickbacks.


Site News: August 18, 2024

The vessel database has been updated and is now holding 93,618 vessel histories (with 15,919 images and 13,842 records of ship wrecks and marine disasters). The mariner and naval biography database has also been updated and now contains 58,620 entries (with 4,020 images).

In 2023 the Nauticapedia celebrated the 50th Anniversary of it’s original inception in 1973 (initially it was on 3" x 5" file cards). It has developed, expanded, digitized and enlarged in those ensuing years to what it is now online. If it was printed out it would fill more than 300,000 pages!

My special thanks to our volunteer IT adviser, John Eyre, who (since 2021) has modernized, simplified and improved the update process for the databases into semi–automated processes. His participation has been vital to keeping the Nauticapedia available to our netizens.

Also my special thanks to my volunteer content accuracy checker, John Spivey of Irvine CA USA, who has proofread thousands of Nauticapedia vessel histories and provided input to improve more than 11,000 entries. His attention to detail has been a huge unexpected bonus in improving and updating the vessel detail content.

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