Canada’s Naval Aviators (The Nominal List)

by John M. MacFarlane and the late General Robbie Hughes (Revised and Updated 2022)

This is the list of 2,225 naval aviators who served in the Canadian Navy, or who were Canadians serving as naval aviators in other navies. It is derived from the two versions of the printed book of the same name by the authors which were produced in fund raising support of the Maritime Museum of British Columbia and The Shearwater Naval Museum. The books are no longer available new in print, only on the second–hand market. Now this list is much more extensive than those contained in the two printed editions – new names have been added and a great many of the entries have been brought up to date and corrected.

2190 matches. 44 pages. Max 50 records per page.

 Page # 10

Name Title Honours Birth Death
Cooper, E.E. Lieutenant-Colonel (ANAV)   (nk) (nk)
Cooper, Howard Gilbert Lieutenant (P) (RCN)   (nk) 02/10/1957
Cooper, William Roy Sub-Lieutenant (E) (A/E) (RCN(R))   (nk) (nk)
Coote, Alexander Harcus Lieutenant (E) (A/E) (RCNVR)   (nk) (nk)
Copeland, Andrew Robert Donald Lieutenant (A) (RN)   30/11/1934 (nk)
Copeland, Thomas Henry Lieutenant-Commander (RCN)   17/12/1930 (nk)
Coram, R. McI. Flight Sub-Lieutenant (RNAS)   (nk) (nk)
Corkery, John Phillip Flight Sub-Lieutenant (RNAS)   11/04/1892 23/08/1918
Costain, Cecil Clifford Lieutenant-Commander (L) (RCN(R)) DSC. 00/00/1922 18/12/1991
Costain, H.H. Flight Sub-Lieutenant (RNAS)   (nk) (nk)
Cote, Joseph Arthur Robert Second Lieutenant (RFC)   00/00/1894 28/10/1918
Cote, Joseph Jacques Paul Commodore (CF)   15/01/1925 17/04/2018
Cottingham, Anthony Frederick Lieutenant-Colonel (PLT)   08/09/1931 (nk)
Coultry, Thomas Alexander Lieutenant (P) (RCN)   (nk) 01/02/1949
Coupland, Douglas Charles Thomas Squadron-Leader (RCAF)   22/02/1926 10/10/2016
Courtnage, R.A. Flight Sub-Lieutenant (RNAS)   (nk) (nk)
Coverdale, Harold Milton Lieutenant (E) (A/E) (RCNVR)   09/12/1919 28/09/1992
Cowan, J.R. Lieutenant (P) (RCNVR)   (nk) (nk)
Cowie, Jeffrey Charles Lieutenant-Commander (RCN)   02/01/1930 (nk)
Cowley, Arthur Thomas Noel Air Vice Marshall (RCAF) CBE. 20/12/1888 (nk)
Cowper, Raymond Hardie Major (PLT)   01/03/1944 (nk)
Cox, F.G. Sub-Lieutenant (A) (RNVR)   (nk) (nk)
Cox, John J. Sub-Lieutenant (A) (RNVR) M.I.D. 00/00/1919 05/03/1996
Craig, Alexander McKenzie Lieutenant-Commander (RCNR) DFC. 23/01/1924 (nk)
Craig, William Benson Flight Lieutenant (RNAS) DFC 02/04/1895 26/09/1918
Cramton, David Peter Major (PLT)   11/04/1938 (nk)
Craven, Geoffrey Hugh Colonel (PLT)   00/07/1933 (nk)
Crawford, Nicol Charles Lieutenant (P) (RCN)   (nk) (nk)
Creery, Cuthbert John Flight Sub-Lieutenant (RNAS)   (nk) (nk)
Creery, Raymond Arbuthnot Bourchier Captain (RCN)   (nk) (nk)
Creighton, John Dundas Lieutenant (O) (RCNVR)   (nk) (nk)
Creighton, Michael Charles J. Major (PLT) OMM. (nk) (nk)
Crepeau, C.A.C. Sub-Lieutenant (RCN(R))   (nk) (nk)
Cressman, Frederick Christie Flight Sub-Lieutenant (RNAS)   26/01/1899 24/12/1917
Crevier, J.R.R. Sub-Lieutenant (RN)   (nk) (nk)
Cribbin, Christopher Naval Airman (RN)   (nk) (nk)
Cridland, John E. Sub-Lieutenant (A) (RNVR)   (nk) (nk)
Crisp, Colin Frederick George Lieutenant (RCN(R))   30/01/1939 (nk)
Crookston, Kenneth M. Lieutenant (E) (A/E) (RCN)   08/03/1921 (nk)
Crookston, Thomas Lieutenant (A) (RN)   (nk) 00/00/1985
Crosby, Albert Walter Probationary Flying Officer (RNAS)   13/10/1897 10/03/1918
Cross, Raymond Harold Lieutenant-Commander (E) (A/E) (RCN(R))   (nk) (nk)
Crosse, John A. Sub-Lieutenant (AEO) (RNVR)   (nk) (nk)
Croswell, Guy Garfield Lieutenant-Commander (L) (RCN)   21/03/1926 00/00/2008
Crowe, Harold Lawrence Flight Sub-Lieutenant (RNAS)   12/04/1897 22/06/1917
Crowe, Neil Bruce Sub-Lieutenant (RCN(R))   (nk) (nk)
Crowe, William Donavon Lieutenant (P) (RCN)   00/00/1934 (nk)
Cruddas, Edward Major (ANAV)   15/06/1934 (nk)
Cruikshank, Donald James Lieutenant (E) (A/E) (RCN)   00/00/1932 29/05/2012
Cruise, Milton George Flight Lieutenant (RNAS)   02/11/1896 20/09/1918

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To quote from this article please cite:

MacFarlane, John M. and Hughes,Robbie (2018), Canada's Naval Aviators (The Nominal List). 2018.


Site News: August 18, 2024

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